With the exception of significant exceptions and misguided attempts, best Xbox one adventure games were originally essentially nonexistent on PC controllers. However, a number of games have come out throughout time to bring their micro-management goodness to living room accessible formats, especially when it comes to the Xbox line of consoles.

Best Xbox One Adventure Games

Solasta: Crown Of The Magister

Solasta: Crown of the Magister, which borrows from Dungeons & Dragons, combines a variety of well-known fantasy tropes to produce an engrossing and endearing adventure that stands firmly on its own. Solasta comes alive through its good character customization choices, particularly when it comes to skill selection and well-crafted landscapes, even though the tale rarely strays from the clichéd “rescue the planet” trope. Veteran players of turn-based best Xbox one adventure games should find Solasta’s combat immediately approachable, and they will probably have a joy taking on the campaign’s astounding variety of creatures. The AI of the game is one of its strong points; even on regular difficulties, enemies take situations into consideration and prepare ahead, making confrontations challenging.

In The Banner Saga, you play as a bronze-age Viking caravan caught in the centre of a catastrophe. Your role entails dealing with problems in your caravan and going up against foes in the process. You’ll deal with best Xbox one adventure games issues which inside the caravan, which includes talking to other party members and overseeing the supplies. Combat is cruel, even with the best of intentions. Even with a little cunning, you will lose members of your caravan, and those losses will hurt. Banner Saga’s hand-painted graphics succeed in bringing the environment to life even when the narrative takes a darker turn than you might have anticipated.

Evil Genius 2: World Domination

In Evil Genius 2, you can play the part of a James Bond-style villain and plot, con, and exploit your way to global dominance against the Forces of Justice if you’re sick of always being the goody two shoes protagonist. Similar to the first few games on this list, Rebellion’s follow-up to the original cult hit is a management game. Customization choices so you may design the ideal villain’s hideout. As you construct intricate labyrinths of traps, devices, and surveillance zones to thwart the “good guys’” sabotage attempts, Evil Genius 2 stands out for its cartoonish graphics that are reminiscent of Illumination’s Despicable Me franchise.


RimWorld is a sci-fi colony simulation game where you control a group of survivors and try to construct a new colony. The best Xbox one adventure games has an easy-to-use UI but offers sophisticated gameplay with near-infinite difficulty levels. This game is amazing because it combines an RPG with a standard RTS. As you play, you’ll be able to shape your character and base your choices on what they’ll need to survive. You get to start your colony from beginning, and if you choose, you can even accept quests from other people.

Crown Trick

Crown Trick demonstrates that while roguelikes are often linked with action games rather than strategy games, this type of experience works well with the latter. Players take on the role of Elle and are placed in a spooky dungeon where they must act like a hero, which entails a lot of fighting, failing, and looting. By using a grid-based traversal and combat system, Crown Trick stands apart from the competition. In essence, the creatures of the dungeon respond to Elle’s movements. By slowing down the pacing and emphasising intelligent movement, this turn-based structure greatly increases the amount of strategy in the action.

Cities: Skyline

The best Xbox one adventure games is City simulation games are mostly only launched on the gaming PC or gaming laptop. Cities Skyline’s console port completely buckes that trend. Starting with an empty piece of land, you can create a city by building roads, installing pipelines, and establishing zones for residential, industrial, and commercial sectors. You have a tonne of control over how your city operates in Cities Skyline. To fine-tune things, overlays let you change every monetary component of the game. To keep your city safe as it expands, you’ll need to create schools, police stations, fire stations, and more. Download Cities: Skyline From its officially website.


11 bit studios achieves this by giving every choice in Frostpunk a complete moral component in addition to a survival component and a cool steampunk backdrop. In the setting of Frostpunk, a catastrophic climate calamity occurs on a steampunk Earth in the 19th century, and you have to get one of the few remaining towns up and running so that survivors can be protected from the bitter cold. In order to guarantee that the city survives and that the populace doesn’t turn against you and undo all of your efforts to keep as many people safe as possible, you’ll need to manage the population’s perception of your rule as well as the numerous laws you’ll need to implement.


The best Xbox one adventure games with a future setting is called Stellaris. You can select from a variety of races to play as. By conquering new worlds, mining resources, developing technologies, and erecting armies, you must traverse the galaxy and spread your empire. You control the evolution and extraterrestrial spread of a species in this turn-based science fiction strategy game. Resources, diplomacy, and other difficulties must be balanced with the expansion and conflict of your empire. While building up your soldiers and resources to wage war on other empires, this game places you in charge of an empire and allows you to travel the entire galaxy.

Final Words

There are several options available in the best Xbox one adventure games. These titles will satisfy your real-time strategy craving if you own an Xbox One apps. While their RTS elements differ from turn-based to fast-paced, all of them offer outstanding user interfaces and intuitive controls. Take a look at our list, select one or two games from it, and start conquering. Each game on it offers a tonne of replayability and is distinct in its own right.

Best Xbox One Adventure Games of 2023 updated - 62Best Xbox One Adventure Games of 2023 updated - 64Best Xbox One Adventure Games of 2023 updated - 62Best Xbox One Adventure Games of 2023 updated - 50