Guide: How to Find Cred­it Card Infor­ma­tion Quickly

A group of researchers has designed a tool that allows them to find credit card information – including CVV and expiration date – by sending inquiries to various online shopping sites. A comprehensive study by Mohammad Aamir Ali, Budi Arief, Martin Emms and Aad van Moorsel outlines online credit and debit card payments and the security vulnerabilities posed by multiple payment gateways across different merchant sites was published in IEEE Security & Privacy. The study authors, who are associated with Newcastle University, pointed out that their tool could also be used to guess zip codes and address information. Hackers can use the tool to correlate location data with the card-issuing financial institution or use a skimming device to find out which merchant sites took the card. “The difference in security solutions of different websites introduces a practically exploitable vulnerability in the overall payment system. An attacker can exploit these differences to deploy a distributed betting attack that generates actionable card payment data – card number, expiration date, card verification value, and mailing address – field by field. Each generated field can be used consecutively to use the next field by another trader’s website, ”the study states. If the merchant site involved doesn’t ask for the zip code, the tool works like a breeze and getting card information is a breeze for an attacker.

How does the guess tool work?

The study shows that the guesswork is made possible by two major weaknesses of ecommerce sites. The tool (screenshot) developed by researchers from Newcastle University “To obtain card details, one can use an merchant’s payment page to guess the data: the merchant’s response to a transaction attempt will indicate whether the estimate was correct or not,” the report adds. First, multiple payment requests from the same card on different merchant sites don’t raise a flag in today’s online payment ecosystem. Second, different merchants offer different sets of card detail fields, allowing the betting attack tool to decipher the card information field by field. If an attacker can hack your card details, they can not only shop with the card, but also transfer money online – preferably to an anonymous account in another country, as such attacks can be countered by the banks. By reversing payments, however, reversal across the country is a tedious and more time consuming process that gives the attacker plenty of time to withdraw. The research also indicates that Visa cards are more susceptible to the attack than Mastercard. This is because a Mastercard is taken out after 100 invalid attempts, but this is not the case with Visa. “To avoid the attack, we can strive for standardization or centralization, which is already provided by a few card-issuing banks. Standardization would mean that all merchants should offer the same payment interface, that is, the same number of fields. Then the attack no longer scales. Centralization can be achieved through payment gateways or card payment networks that have a complete overview of all payment attempts associated with the network, ”the study concluded. While standardization and centralization don’t fit the very essence of the Internet – freedom and freedom – this process will certainly make things safer for cardholders and make them less prone to online attacks.

How to Find Cred­it Card Infor­ma­tion Quickly: benefits


Final note

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